Bluebird Hill Berry Farm
This grower uses synthetic fertilizers and/or pesticides.
This farm is not a certified organic farm but the produce is grown using the integrated pest management system which results in the use of insecticides only as a last resort to save the crop from destruction.
Our poultry are truely free ranging birds. They are not confined in “tractors” but are allowed to roam over a 13 acre pasture doing what chickens do. The birds are confined at night to protect them from nocturnal predators and loosed each morning.
The beef is produced by animals which roam freely over the pasture consuming the plant materials that grow there. This method of production requires a longer growing period to reach marketable size than for animals confined in a feed lot. Grains are fed as a managment tool and to supplement the diet when grass is not adequate to supply their needs.
All cooked items,(jam, jelly, salsa, BBQ sauce cakes and candies) are produced in our ‘on farm’ health department inspected kitchen. NO product, offered for sale, is made in our home kitchen.